DS 801: Advanced Optimization for Data Science

DS 801: Advanced Optimization for Data Science, Spring 2024

MW 9:00 - 10:15 am, E2-2 #1122

Instructor: Dabeen Lee (E2-2 #2109)
Email: dabeenl [at] kaist [dot] ac [dot] kr

Teaching Assistant: Seoungbin Bae (Email: sbbae3 [at] gmail [dot] com)

Text: No required text, but the following materials are helpful.

Syllabus (pdf)

In today's fast-paced world driven by data, the ability to extract valuable insights and make informed decisions is more crucial than ever. Optimization, the process of finding the best solution among a set of alternatives, lies at the heart of this endeavor. From predicting customer behavior to optimizing supply chains, from designing machine learning models to solving complex decision-making problems, optimization techniques play a pivotal role in harnessing the power of data for practical applications. In this course, we will embark on a journey to explore the fundamental principles, algorithms, and applications of optimization in the context of data science. Through a blend of theory, practical examples, and hands-on exercises, we will equip ourselves with the necessary tools and techniques to tackle real-world optimization challenges in data-driven decision-making. There are no formal prerequisites, but basic knowledge of mathematical optimization and convex analysis will be assumed.

Lecture notes

  1. Mon 2/26: introduction (lecture note)
  2. Wed 2/28: convex optimization basics (lecture note)
  3. Mon 3/04: introduction to gradient descent (lecture note, code)
  4. Wed 3/06: gradient descent for smooth functions, adaptive gradient (AdaGrad) (lecture note)
  5. Mon 3/11: gradient descent for strongly convex functions, regularization (lecture note, code)
  6. Wed 3/13: proximal gradient, acceleration, and ISTA and FISTA for LASSO (lecture note, code)
  7. Mon 3/18: stochastic gradient descent, binary classification (perceptron algorithm, SVM, logistic regression) (lecture note)
  8. Wed 3/20: coordinate descent, variance reduced stochastic methods (lecture note)
  9. Mon 3/25: introduction to nonconvex optimization (lecture note)
  10. Wed 3/27: singular value decomposition, the power method (lecture note)
  11. Mon 4/01: matrix completion, the Frank-Wolfe algorithm (lecture note)
  12. Wed 4/03: nonconvex landscape & finding stationary points (lecture note)
  13. Mon 4/08: algorithms for finding second-order stationary points (lecture note)
  14. Mon 4/22: Lagrangian duality & dual methods (lecture note)
  15. Wed 4/24: training neural networks and Lagrangian duality (lecture note)
  16. Mon 4/29: introduction to minimax optimization (applications, saddle points, gradient descent ascent) (lecture note)
  17. Wed 5/01: algorithms for minimax optimization (extra gradient, optimistic GDA, PPA)and variational inequality (lecture note)
